The program of 54th Russian Helicopter Open Championship is completed.
The winners in separate events and in overall are named.
The first event today was Fender rigging. The podium was taken by: Maxim Sotnikov/Aleh Puodjukas (bronze medals), Viktor Degtiar/Petr Vasiliev (silver medals) and Yury Yablokov/Konstantin Podoynitsyn (gold medals).
In Slalom the crew Andrey Baraev/Vadim Sazonov took bronze medals. Alexander Sotnikov and Evgeniya Zamula were in second place. And the winners are Viktor Degtiar/Petr Vasiliev.
The overall champions of Russia in 2019 are Maxim Sotnikov and Aleh Puodjukas. The silver medals go to the crew of Russian Air forces from Syzran - Sergey Tupikov and Alexey Pintelin. In the third place are Alexander Sotnikov and Evgeniya Zamula.
We congratulate the winners and thank all the organizers, judges, airfield and catering staff!