S E R V I C E | Price, RUR |
Renta helicopter Robinson R44 / hour | 33 000 (less than an hour - according to the price list) |
Kerosene TS-1 ТС-1 / litre | 54 |
Aviation gasoline 100LL /litre | 115 |
OilSHELL W1550 / litre | 800 |
Warm hangar parking rent | |
- Helicopter R44 / month (including !!! | 30 000 |
- aircraft (wingspan no more than 10 m) in warm hangar / month | 15 000 |
- aircraft (wingspan no more than 10 m) in cold hangar / month | 13 000 |
- helicopter basing in warm hangar (including roll-on/roll-out) for one night | 2 000 |
- helicopter basing in cold hangar (including roll-on/roll-out) for one night | 500 |
- aircraft basing in cold hangar for one night | 500 |
- helicopter or aircraft parking on the platform for one night | 500 |
- diesel gun to warm up the launch | 200 |
- "the jump-start" from the battery (RED BOX) | 200 |
- unscheduled cleaning of the runway from snow in the autumn-winter period | 5 000 | Take off /Landing (if the aircraft was not refueled and did not use any airfield services | 500 |
Training and practice flights / day | 1 000 |
Flights for the tenants of the hangars | free |